An official website of the United States government. Here’s how you know.

National Computer Forensics Institute

NCFI Alerts


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First Responders

These courses are designed for individuals who are not currently conducting digital forensic exams and have a basic knowledge of computers and computer investigations.

First Responder Courses
Course IDTitle
BEC-V Business Email Compromise
BNIT Basic Network Investigation Training
CDR Call Detail Records Analysis
CFT Cyber Foundational Training
CIT Cyber Investigative Techniques
Case Python and the $7 Million Embezzlement
Case Study Ransomware Response Case Study
Case Study: ATM ATM Jackpotting
Case Study: EMV EMV Relay Attacks
DCC Digital Currency Course
DCTT Digital Currency Tracing Techniques
DEI Digital Evidence Investigations
DISC Digital Investigations Supervisors Course
EDD Electronic Detection Dog
FIR Fundamentals of Incident Response
FRESH Filesystem Recognition Electronic Sterilization and Hashing
MIT Multimedia investigative Techniques
OSINT Open Source Intelligence
RAC Report Authors Course
RIP Ransomware Investigative Principles
SAFE PC Safe Personal Computer

Basic Examiner

These courses are designed for individuals who are newly assigned to conducting digital forensic exams or network intrusion investigations, and who currently have a working knowledge of computer and computer investigations.

Basic Examiner Courses
Course IDTitle
BCERT Basic Computer Evidence Recovery Training
CLP Command Line Principles
DAF Drone Analysis and Forensics
DTW Device Triage Workshop
DVR Digital Video Recorders
FCD Fundamentals Of Connected Devices
IOT Internet of Things
IPR Introduction to Phone Repair
LLE Linux for Law Enforcement
MDE Mobile Device Examiner
NITRO Network Intrusion Response Program
RFPB Review of Forensic Principles (BCERT)
RFPM Review of Forensic Principles (MDE)
SFC Skimmer Forensics Course
SKT Skimmer Tech
VFC Vehicle Forensics Course

Advanced Examiner

These courses are designed for individuals who are currently conducting digital forensic exams or network intrusion investigations, and who have a solid understanding of digital forensics.

Advanced Examiner Courses
Course IDTitle
AFT Advanced Forensics Training
AMDE Advanced Mobile Device Examiner
AMET Advanced Mobile Extraction Techniques
FSC Forensic Scripting Course
FTV Forensic Tool Validation
IMD Instructor Module Development
MFT Mac Forensics Training


These courses are designed for Prosecutors and Judges to effectively prosecute and preside over cases involving digital forensic evidence.

Prosecutor/Judge Courses
Course IDTitle
ADEP Advanced Digital Evidence for Prosecutors
DEJ Digital Evidence for Judges
DEJU Digital Evidence for Judges Update
DEP Digital Evidence for Prosecutors
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